Mutant Future Wiki
Mutant Future Wiki

The Deviant Database are a set of third-party Mutant Future books by Tim "Sniderman" Snider, based off of Snider's blog The Savage Afterworld. The books published by Snider includes the Deviant Database, One Year in the Savage After World, and Deviant Database 2.0. The Deviant Database books are bestiaries (monster books), while One Year in the Savage After World list 52 scenarios -- one for each week of the year.

Sniderman is also know for a set of convention scenarios for Mutant Future, including a supplement called The World of Thundarr the Barbarian.

Deviant Database[]

From the harmless to the harmful, from the weak to the wicked, this "Deviant Database" collects over 90 monstrous mutants that have inhabited The Savage AfterWorld!

This book features art of: Jeremy Pea, Colin Chapman, and "Atomic Ray"

One Year in the Savage After World[]

Inside this crumbling tome is a collection of unique micro-adventures through a post-apocalyptic world! "One Year In The Savage AfterWorld" presents 52 "dangerous encounters" that originally appeared at The Savage AfterWorld!

This book features art of: Anthony C. Hunter, David Fisher, J.L LaMastus, James D. Jarvis, Kevin Chenevert, Jeremy Pea, Chris Hgerty, Eric Campbell, Colin Chapman, David Crowell, "Bygrinstow", Corvi Zeman, and Adam Wanson.

Deviant Database 2.0[]

In this fiendish follow-up to the original “Deviant Database,” your players will meet 44 new twisted abominations lurking within The Savage AfterWorld!

This book features art of: John Buckley, Eric Campbell, Kevin Chenevert, Nathan Fellhauer, Anthony Hunter, James Jarvis, Jeremy LaMastus, Stephanie Naylor, Jeremy Pea, Aaron Siddall, bygrinstow, and Jim Yoder

The World of Thundarr the Barbarian[]

This netbook is a setting supplement, featuring rules and stats to turn a game of Mutant Future into adventures form the 1980 animated series Thundarr the Barbarian. The netbook features: 3 new playable character classes; 8 NPC antagonists, 11 new magical and technological devices, 29 new creatures, and 4 adventures based on classic episodes.

Supporting GenCon scenarios includes: Across the Dimensional Divide (GenCon 2012) and Warlord of the Sacred Library (GenCon 2013).

The supplement and scenarios are available for free at Sniderman's blog.

GameCon Adventures[]

Gimme Shelter was ran at at GenCon 2011.

Gimme Shelter II: The Rushmore Salvage Job was ran at GenCon 2012.

Weed World was ran at Gary Con 2012 and GenCon 2012.

Gimme Shelter III: Down To Earth was ran at U-Con 2014.

These scenarios are available for free at Sniderman's blog.

External Links[]