Mutant Future Wiki
Mutant Future Wiki
Stop Sign

To us, it is an unassuming traffic sign. To the people of the post-atomic wastelands, it a vital piece of protection!

Equipment are the widely available items one could find in most communities. They include weapons, armor, adventuring gear, food, services, housing, transports, animals, and goods both exotic and mundane.

Equipment Categories[]

To keep this page from getting flooded, equipment are categorized by their class of Technology:

Basic Technology[]

Modern Technology[]

Advanced Technology[]

Optional House Rules[]

Custom Rolled Weapons[]

(by Kevin Scrivner)

Here’s a table set to create weapons from various junk for MF.  This is a beta version, so if anybody uses this please reply and let me know how well it works or share some modifications you think it should have. Roll Table A – D (and E if told to).

Table A: Type of Weapon

D100 Result
01-15 Projectile
16-37 Stabbing
38-59 Slicing
60-82 Bludgeon
83-00 Ensnare / squeeze

Table B: Power Source

D100 Result
01-60 Not Powered or simple pulley
61-70 Black Powder cartridge
71-80 Highly Combustible Fuel (i.e. Gasoline)
81-85 Steam Boiler
86-92 Electricity (Solar-Charging Battery) – roll on goodies table
93-96 Electricity (Chemical Battery) – roll on goodies table
97-00 Electricity (Mini Nuke Battery) – roll on goodies table

Table C: Main Skeleton

D100 Result
01-04 Plumbing Pipe + 3 on effectiveness roll
05-08 Whittled/carved custom Wood Branch + 5 on effectiveness roll
09-12 Animal Bone -5 on effectiveness roll
13-16 Bamboo – 5 on effectiveness roll
17-20 Rebar +5 on effectiveness roll
21-24 Sign-pole
25-28 Steering Wheel – 5 on effectiveness
29-32 Big Rock
33-36 Ammo Case
37-40 Machine Gun body
41-44 Custom Designed Metal Enclosure (must be in a town to have this made with a blacksmith shop – cost $100 gp to cast and build) – + 10 on Effectiveness roll
45-48 (if not available or can’t pay 100 gp, re-roll)
49-52 Metal Watch band (wearable)
53-56 Leather Belt (wearable)
57-60 Glass Jar (ranged weapon)
61-64 Large Metal Drain Pipe Section – + 10 on effectiveness roll
65-70 Briefcase
71-74 Table leg
75-78 Soldier Helmet (wearable)
79-82 Mannequin Arm or Leg
83-86 Mannequin Torso +1 to effectiveness roll
87-90 Taxidermied Animal (pick one of 2-4 foot size)
91-94 Metal Crutch
95-98 Robot Exoskeleton Arm +5 to effectiveness roll
99-00 Severed human head -5 to effectiveness

Table D: Effectiveness

D100 Result
01-30 “Barely Better than toy hulk hands”
(Eff. Rating 1) – 2D4 Damage if a projectile weapon has a ROF = 1
31-60 “Meh, gets the job done”
(Eff. Rating 2) – 3D4 Damage if a projectile weapon has a ROF = 1if ensnare weapon, does additional 2D4 damage on subsequent turns until captive can make successful stun save.
61-90 “Ooo, nice toy”
(Eff. Rating 3) – 3D6 Damage if a projectile weapon has a ROF = 2if ensnare weapon, does additional 3D4 damage on subsequent turns until captive can make successful stun save -1.
91-00 “That’s killer!”
(Eff. Rating 4) – 5D6 Damage if a projectile weapon has a ROF = 3if ensnare weapon, does additional 3D4 damage on subsequent turns until captive can make successful stun save – 3.

Table E: Goodies

D100 Result (only roll on this table if prompted in Table B)
01-25 The target must roll to save against stun on a successful hit. There is a 15% chance that the attacker may get shocked – if they do, they too, must roll to save against stun.
26-50 The target must roll to save against radiation on a successful hit. There is a 5% chance that the attacker may get a dose of rads – if they do, they too, must roll to save against radiation, class equal to the weapon’s effectiveness level.
51-80 The weapon has a built-in targeting chip: +1 to hit.
81-90 Once a day, the weapon discharges a huge amount of damage – its damage roll is doubled (after the roll). However, there is a 15% chance that it will blow up and deal that damage to the user.

You are such an ingenious inventor that this weapon’s attacks are psychic! Roll to hit as if the attack were a mental attack. Mutants with the detect mutation ability will register the weapon. However, when used in this fashion, there is a 15% that the weapon will malfunction and drain the user as if it had the “vampiric field” mutation.  Roll number of d6 equal to the effectiveness rating of the weapon for its functional WIL — so if it has a effectiveness rating of 3 — roll 3d6.